We took it slower today, started our day by going to the market in Aix and was very impressed with the stalls. The fish mongers were quite entertaining! We picked up a steam hot baquette for our evening meal, because it is Sunday everything shuts down by 1:30.

It was off to Marseille to check out their centre ville as it was a Greek settlement from 7BC and was known as the gateway to the west for centuries. It was a glorious day to walkaround the harbour, we had fresh fish for lunch at one of the restaurants with a waiter that was extremely efficient! There were about 30 tables and he was the only waiter!

Following our walk through Marseille we ventured onward to Cassis, what a charming little port!
Later on we thought we would take one of the lesser traveled roads to Mount Victoire by our place, let me tell you that was an experience! The road was very narrow and the oncoming traffic figured they needed to be driving in the middle of the road, leaving cliff for us! All I can say it's a good thing my bladder was empty before this road trip because it would have happened going around one of those curves!!!
Au revior, Barb & Don
Please drive safe. Remember you aren't invinsible teenagers!
Ha Ha
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