Friday, September 5, 2008

Saturday ~ September 6, 2008

Au Revoir Paris!
Well it is time for us leave this beautiful city, we have enjoyed our week here. We were able to take in all the major sites which has left us with many wonderful memories. We found the people warm and appreciated us trying to speak french (at least me, Don did just fine). Paris is very clean with daily garbage pick-up and street cleaners working every day.
We used the Rick Steves' Paris book while we were here and would recommend it for anyone coming to Paris.
We look forward to our next adventure in the south of France.
Barb & Don

1 comment:

Jocylene Blanchette said...

Good luck with your drive :) please email when you can so that I know you are ok. I really liked the versialles pictures. maybe we can do a slideshow on the big screen with cheese and wine when you guys get back?