Friday, September 5, 2008

Dinner in Paris

Here we are out for dinner at Les Fables de la Fontaine. This restaurant is located on Rue Saint Dominique in our neighbourhood. The owner of this establishment is Michel Constant, a well known chef in Paris. He owns 6 other restaurants in the area, we were fortunate to get to eat here. We spoke with a couple that told us this restaurant has a 2-3 week wait list.

We started with Rose Champagne and entrees of Tuna Tartare and Crab & Avocado in a Beetroot Coulee. Our main courses were Cod with pigs feet (Don's) and I had Scorpion fish with octopus & mushrooms - our wine was a Bourdeaux red. We ended the meal with a goat cheese and black cherry marmalade.

We have enjoyed our time in Paris and today we are planning on walking around the Montmartre area. It is raining today with temperatures of 19C.

Tomorrow we leave for Aix en Provence and warmer temperatures. We have a car booked to take us to the airport where we pick up our car, a Renault Megane, thankfully it has a GPS!

Will keep you posted. Not sure what our internet connections will be like for the next 2 weeks in Le Tholonet.

Au rivoir,

Don & Barb

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