Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday ~ September 10, 2008

Today we drove back to Auxerre as our car was fixed and ready for us to pick it up. The best part was that there were no additional costs that we had to absorb. It was an early morning for us...we were on the road by 3:30 am as it was a 5 hr drive each way. We were back in Palette by 4 pm and very tired, but happy to have our vehicle back.
We have our day planned for tomorrow, and our picnic lunch is packed! We are off further east along the Mediterranean toward Heyers, St. Tropez & Frejus. If we have time we will stop at St. Raphael. Our plan is to tour the areas east of our home base this week and next week it's to the west and north of us; we do have a plan :)
Hope all is well with you, Barb & Don

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