Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A day with the Troglodytes

Today we went and saw the Troglodyte village in Rochemenier, this is the little road we were on to get to this village of the cave dwellers. When we put our request in the GPS the queen gave us this route and she has never steered us wrong, but we were questioning her ability at this point. True to her ability she got us there!

The picture you see here is the entry way to a newer Troglodyte home from the early 1900's. People lived in these dwelling until the 1930's. There are other Troglodyte villages throughout the world.

Don is sitting in the town hall where people would gather for meetings and visiting. There was no heat in this cave because it was well protected from the elements.

This is one of the caves that a family lived in and the contraption you see with the wood pole and the cross piece of wood with the square shape on the end was to teach the infants how to walk. They would put their kids in it and they would walk around and around.

After our visit to the caves we did some wine tasting in Saumur the wine is very good; in fact last night we had a bottle during dinner. Tomorrow we are off to Normandy; we will be overnighting in Rouen, this is where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. Our hotel is at the site of the burning.

I can't believe the holiday is soon to be over, a month has gone by so fast!

Au revoir,
Barb & Don
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